| |
- web.cxml.ElementFactory
- web.htmlo.HTMLElementFactory
- web.xmlo.Element
- web.htmlo.HTMLElement
- web.htmlo.A
- web.htmlo.B
- web.htmlo.Body
- web.htmlo.Br
- web.htmlo.Center
- web.htmlo.Div
- web.htmlo.Em
- web.htmlo.Font
- web.htmlo.Form
- web.htmlo.H1
- web.htmlo.H2
- web.htmlo.H3
- web.htmlo.H4
- web.htmlo.H5
- web.htmlo.H6
- web.htmlo.H7
- web.htmlo.H8
- web.htmlo.H9
- web.htmlo.HTML
- web.htmlo.XDoc
- web.htmlo.Head
- web.htmlo.I
- web.htmlo.Img
- web.htmlo.LI
- web.htmlo.OL
- web.htmlo.Option
- web.htmlo.P
- web.htmlo.Pre
- web.htmlo.Script
- web.htmlo.Select
- web.htmlo.XSelect
- web.htmlo.SingleTagElement
- web.htmlo.Input
- web.htmlo.Link
- web.htmlo.Span
- web.htmlo.Strong
- web.htmlo.Style
- web.htmlo.TD
- web.htmlo.TH
- web.htmlo.TR
- web.htmlo.Table
- web.htmlo.XTable
- web.htmlo.TextArea
- web.htmlo.Title
- web.htmlo.U
- web.htmlo.UL
- web.htmlo.XUL
- web.htmlo.XNull
class A(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- A
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class B(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- B
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Body(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Body
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Br(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Br
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Center(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Center
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Div(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Div
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Em(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Em
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Font(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Font
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Form(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Form
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H1(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H1
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H2(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H2
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H3(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H3
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H4(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H4
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H5(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H5
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H6(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H6
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H7(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H7
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H8(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H8
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class H9(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- H9
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class HTML(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class HTMLElement(web.xmlo.Element) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Head(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Head
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class I(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- I
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Img(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Img
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Input(SingleTagElement) |
'entry' (text entryfield), 'submit' (submit button), 'reset'
(reset button), 'password' (password entry field), 'hidden'
(hidden input)
Control id
For 'entry' and 'password' types, this is the width of the field
in columns.
For 'entry' and 'password' types, this is the initial text. For
buttons, it is the button label. |
- Method resolution order:
- Input
- SingleTagElement
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class LI(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- LI
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Link(SingleTagElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Link
- SingleTagElement
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class OL(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- OL
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Option(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Option
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods defined here:
- set(self, value)
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class P(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- P
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Pre(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Pre
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Script(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Script
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Select(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Select
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods defined here:
- set(self, value)
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class SingleTagElement(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- SingleTagElement
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Span(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Span
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Strong(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Strong
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Style(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Style
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class TD(HTMLElement) |
Columns of the table to span.
Rows of the table to span. |
- Method resolution order:
- TD
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class TH(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TH
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class TR(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TR
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Table(HTMLElement) |
0 for none, 1 for a border. |
- Method resolution order:
- Table
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class TextArea(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TextArea
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods defined here:
- set(self, value)
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class Title(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- Title
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class U(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- U
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class UL(HTMLElement) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- UL
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class XDoc(HTML) |
A complete html document. Consists of the outer HTML tag with an
embedded HEAD tag and BODY tag, both of which are available as
public variables:
An instance of @Head which represents the HEAD tag of the
An instance of @Body which represents the BODY tag of the
All sequence and keyword arguments are passed to the BODY tag,
except for the following special attributes:
A string representing the title of the document. This will cause
a TITLE tag to be added to the contents of the HEAD tag. |
- Method resolution order:
- XDoc
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class XNull(HTMLElement) |
This is a tag that simply writes out it's contents with no enclosing
element. |
- Method resolution order:
- XNull
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class XSelect(Select) |
Just like *Select* but automatically wraps all children that are not
Option instances as Option instances. |
- Method resolution order:
- XSelect
- Select
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from Select:
- set(self, value)
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class XTable(Table) |
Just like a *Table* except that all children that are
lists or tuples are automatically converted to rows, and all items in
those lists that are not *TD*'s are converted to *TD*'s. |
- Method resolution order:
- XTable
- Table
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
class XUL(UL) |
Like an unordered list, but automatically wraps all children
that are not list items (LI) in list items. |
- Method resolution order:
- UL
- HTMLElement
- web.xmlo.Element
Methods inherited from HTMLElement:
- __init__(self, *parms, **kw)
- formatTo(self, output, indentContent=0, indent=2, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.formatTo() to provide an XHTML
[file.write] output stream
[boolean] if true, multiline content is indented.
[int] number of characters to indent children
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
- populate(self, valueDict)
- Populates this element and all nested elements from the value
If there is a key in valueDict matching a "name" attribute in this
element, sets the value of the element in a manner appropriate to the
element type.
This method is intended to allow you to populate an entire form from
the values in a query dictionary.
The value of the element is set using the @set() method. This
is what is generally overriden to vary the way control values are
- set(self, value)
- Sets the value of an element in the manner prescribed for the
element. This is really only relevant for form controls. The base
class version of this just sets the "value" attribute. Derived
classes should override as appropriate.
- writeTo(self, output, xhtml=0)
- Overrides @spug.web.xml.Element.writeTo() to provide an XHTML
[boolean] if true, node and contents will be written in
XHTML instead of normal HTML.
Methods inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- __delitem__(self, accessor)
- __getitem__(self, accessor)
- Gets the specified attribute or content item, depending on whether
/accessor/ is a string (or tuple) or integer.
[string or tuple<string, string> or int] If this is a string
or tuple, returns the associated attribute. If it is an
integer, returns the associated content item.
If this is a single string, returns the value of an attribute
in the global namespace. If it is a tuple of two strings,
the first string is a namespace URI.
If this is an integer, returns the value of a child element.
Interspersed text is ignored.
- __len__(self)
- Returns the number of content nodes in the element.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Because we define "len", we have to define this to always return
true so that all instances of @Element are considered "true".
- __setitem__(self, accessor, value)
- append(self, val)
- Appends a new element or text string to the contents of the element.
[string or @Element]
- copy(self)
- Returns a deep copy of the element.
- deleteItem(self, index)
- Deletes the item at the specified index from the contents.
The more "correct" way to do this is through `__delitem__`:
i.e. "#del node[index]#". However, in Python 2.2.3, doing this
to a proxy (as return from the @getParent() method) causes
a *SystemError* due to a bug in the weak reference code.
- get(self, attr, default=None)
- getActualNamespace(self)
- Returns the actual namespace of the element name. The "actual
namespace" is the specified namespace if there is one,
it is the default namespace if there was no specified namespace.
- getAllChildren(self)
- Returns all child elements (list<@Element>). This actually returns
a reference to an internal list, so the caller should not modify
the value returned.
- getChild(self, namespace, name)
- Returns the first child with the given name. Returns None if no
such child exists.
[string] namespace URI
- getChildren(self, namespace, name)
- Returns all children with the given name.
[string] namespace URI
- getDefaultNamespace(self)
- Returns the default namespace URI for the node (string or None,
None means that the default namespace is the global namespace).
- getFullName(self)
- Returns the namespace and name of the of the element
(tuple<string, string>). Note that the namespace is the
/specified namespace/, not the /actual namespace/.
- getName(self)
- Returns the simple unqualified name of the element.
- getNamespace(self, prefix)
- Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix. Returns None
if no such prefix is defined.
[string] namespace prefix
- getParent(self)
- Returns the parent object (actually, a proxy to the parent object),
*None* if there is no parent.
- getPrefix(self, uri)
- Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI. Returns
None if no prefix is found for this URI.
[string] namespace URI to find the prefix for
- getValue(self)
- Returns the value of the element as one big string. This will
raise a ValueError if the element contains nested child elements.
- hasChildren(self)
- Returns true if the element has child elements.
- hasContents(self)
- Returns true if the element has contents (children or character
- has_key(self, attr)
- Returns true if the element has the given attribute.
[string or tuple<string, string>] attribute to check for.
- index(self, item)
- Returns the index of the item within the contents list (an integer).
[string or @Element]
- insert(self, index, val)
- iterate(self, explorer)
- Selectively iterates over the tree using the given explorer in
a depth-first traversal.
[callable<any>] This object will be called for the node.
The value it returns indicates how the iteration proceeds.
The following return values are allowed:
Iterate over the children of the node.
Do not iterate over the children of the node, continue
iteration with the next node in the parent's child list.
Abort iteration.
- setName = __setName(self, name)
- Sets the full name of the element.
[tuple<string, string> or string] Either an unqualified name or
a tuple of namespace URI and local name.
- setValue = __setValue(self, newValue)
- Deletes all current contens of the element, and replaces it with
the new value.
- setdefault(self, attr, default)
- strip(self, stripContent=0)
- Strips all "unnecessary" whitespace from the element and all nested
elements. Unncessary whitespace is whitespace between child
elements - when using XML for structured data representation,
this is usually just for formatting.
[boolean] if true, indicates that indentation of content
elements (nodes with no nested children
- stripEmptyContents(self)
- If the element contents consists of nothing but whitespace, deletes
all contents. Otherwise makes no changes to the element.
Returns true if contents were removed, false if not.
This can used to "clean out" whitespace content after removing a
child element.
Data and other attributes inherited from web.xmlo.Element:
- ABORT = 3
- EXPAND = 1
| |